Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Chapter 3: Business Meeting Etiquette!

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Chinese Business - Chinese Business Meeting Etiquette

Chinese Etiquette - Chinese Business Meetings - Kazuhiro Nogi / Getty ImagesWhen doing business in china, there are a couple of tips you need to follow. You need to send as much information as possible to your peers, such as details about your topic for the business. You need to be on time or it is considered rude. When hosting a meeting to be respectful, stand outside and greet the people before they enter the room, the seniors should enter the room first to show the you have respect.The meeting arrangements the low ranking people sit on either ends of the table. Make small talk to get to know each other, a small intro about your topic and about you. Interrupting a meeting is considered rude, Chinese meetings are highly structured and interjecting.

      Question: Do you think these etiquette are hard to follow?


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