Sunday, May 24, 2015

Chapter 6: Non-Governmental Organizations!

Link to article:

Temperance-The Cornerstone of an Ethical Corporate Culture

stop sign
This article is about a mass-balance calculation on a chemical manufacturing unit in one of our Louisiana facilities suggested that we were exceeding our permitted emissions limit for hazardous air pollutants. Given the potentially serious implications of this discovery. In addition, the permit for the one plant that was licensed to operate only allowed to them emit a few pounds of a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) from the facility on an annual basis. The investigation revealed that, between the two plants, we were emitting over 400,000 pounds of this HAP per year.They had gotten away with violating the law for over a decade.

Steps to improve a business

1. Evaluate your own habits and consider the degree to which you may be failing to restrain yourself from “speeding” at work.2.Take an honest look around your firm and consider the degree to which your colleagues habitually step over the line in the interest of getting the job done. Consider responsive actions that might change the culture in the organization, or at least rein in the loose cannons.3. Consider whether your firm really has systems that are up to the basic task of knowing and disseminating information about applicable legal requirements. If not, propose cost-effective methodologies to remedy any shortcomings.4. Conduct workshops focused on the importance of temperance and integrate them into your routine business ethics training programs for employees and executives.Consequently, sustained action is required to create a culture in which your colleagues are both expected and encouraged to do the right thing, even when no one is looking.
Question: Do you agree with the steps below? Why or Why not? 

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